Based in the Boston area, Evan Donohue is good at typing words at you. His accomplishments include having worked six years in a deli and owning a knock-off Razor scooter.

I Hate The People In This GMC Commercial

I Hate The People In This GMC Commercial

Welcome to a new Evitorial! Before you read this one, why don’t you take a look at this Q&A, where I ask and answer all the questions. Or you could read this one, about the time an ex-lover told me that I had a “massive ego.”

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen this commercial several times, and every time I see it, I get angrier.  Allow me to explain why.


The commercial starts off innocently enough, with a very attractive brunette lady showing her husband the watches that she got both of them for Christmas.  I have no problem with her getting herself one, because honestly, I think we should be as kind to ourselves during the holiday season as we are to others.  He loves the watch, so clearly she did a good job Christmas shopping.  All is well.  It’s when the man (classically handsome himself, mind you) brings his lady outside to show her the gifts that he got for them that I start to get annoyed.


There are two beautiful GMC trucks in the driveway, one red and one blue.  “One for you, and one for me,” he tells her, clearly denoting that the red truck is hers.  “I love it!” she says, resting against the blue one, which he obviously got for himself.  He tries to tell her that this one is supposed to be his, but before they can have a conversation about it, she says again, “I love it!”  This time, there is an almost menacing edge to her voice, like something bad might happen to him if he doesn’t drop his objection immediately.  He backs down, telling her that he loves that she loves it, and for a third time, she says “I love it,” this time signaling that their conversation is over.  Now a beaten man, he says, “I like red,” trying to convince himself that everything is okay, and his wife didn’t just flex her authority over him.


Here’s why I hate this commercial: it’s completely unrealistic.  Look at the house behind them.  It’s gorgeous.  At least one of them makes a shit-ton of money.  If it’s him, he would not have come this far in business/life without developing the confidence to know what he wants, and fight for what he wants.  It’s how he would have acquired a wife with model looks in the first place.  If it’s her that makes the money, then there’s no way she would have settled for a man that doesn’t challenge her.  Women don’t look for trophy husbands, because they’re smarter than us.  They understand that the ideal relationship is one with balance.  Hollywood wants us to think that the era of being a strong man is over, but that’s just not true.  A strong woman like this would want a man who would tell her that the blue truck is his, and if she wants, he can take her red one back and they can find her one that suits her better. 


You might be saying to yourself, “But Evan, if you’re all riled up about a commercial, obviously it’s a good one, because you’re still thinking about the product.”  I’m not sure that’s true, because now I think that GMC wants me to act in a way that will have every woman push me away until the end of time.  I don’t need that shit.  I’m perfectly capable of making every woman want to push me away on my own.

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